

Dusted words are little moments and stories captured in my heart and mind. From simple observations to deeply rooted impressions they become poems or prose and this is one of the places they land.

Some of my other work on Having TimeTiny Buddha/AttachmentTiny Buddha/Happiness and You Share

To purchase my first publication click on the link to order Dusted Word, the book.

With much gratitude, thank you for reading my work.




52 thoughts on “About

  1. Pingback: 3 Days 3 Quotes Challenge | PSYCHEDELICBAY

  2. From someone else’s post, I linked to one of yours on The Daily Crapper, and as you suggested, I have begun at the beginning. It will take some time to read it all. Enjoyable, thoughtful time of connecting. And then I found that you had connected with me through dustedwords. So I’m pretty sure it’s going to take longer to catch up to your present than I’d anticipated, but I am absolutely certain it’ll be worth it.

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Alisa, it is so great to meet you. I am so glad that I have been able to connect with you. Always looking for new friends!

    I was so struck by your opening lines on your about statement – Just loved – “Dusted words, little moments and stories captured in my heart and mind. From simple observations to deeply rooted impressions they become poems or prose and this is one of the places they land.” Love the concept of Dusted Words. Saw this is part of the title of your book. Have you a title poem with that title??

    Looking forward to your posts. I’m guessing you have a large back catalog???

    Liked by 1 person

    • Yes, me as well. I actually don’t believe I do have a poem called Dusted Words, oddly. You have given me something to work on now;) I have a bit of a back catalog on here, not a huge amount. I look forward to reading your work as well:)

      Liked by 1 person

      • I am hoping you will find my blog worthy of your time and that you enjoy it. You made me smile with, “not a huge amount” isn’t that a little ambiguous? Compared to what? Ha! Sounds like one of those Texas type units of measure? LOL!

        I will warn you now and put you on notice that I keep a Word Bank of words and phrases that hit me. So, you now have a deposit in my Word Bank to your account for “Dusted Words”, Dusty Words”. It is rare but it has happened recently that a deposit made on one day paid dividends in the same day (Gold Stars and inspirational credit). I will give you a head start in writing your poem. How much time do you think you might need or want? LOL!

        Liked by 1 person

      • I just zipped in quickly and already know I will enjoy reading your work. I guess it was a bit ambiguous lol. I think there is about 70-80 on there right now:) Lol, laughing so hard at that last bit. It will take a while. I am very slow going with writing and inspiration right now. I think more likely I will be pondering thoughts over tea for the next while. The method to the madness…I have no method lol.


  4. Pingback: This Week’s Summary 5/1 – Endurance – sailorpoet

  5. Pingback: The Week in Review 5/8 – Balance – sailorpoet


  7. Pingback: Cafe Chat: Backcatablog Alisa Hutton at Dusted Words and a response poem “No Ordinary Day” – sailorpoet

  8. Alisa, popping over after reading the pieces from Charles (The Reluctant Poet) and Stephen (Sailorpoet). Looking forward to reading your work and catching up sometime for a coffee in the Go Dog Go Tree Café.

    Liked by 1 person

  9. Pingback: Cafe Chat: Backcatablog Alisa Hutton at Dusted Words and a response poem “No Ordinary Day” | Go Dog Go Café

  10. Hey Alisa

    I enjoyed your piece on Letting Go of Attachment to People on Tiny Buddha.

    I started to hear the sound of the birds, the leaves blowing, the babbling of the creek, and the crackle of the earth under my feet. I started to step outside of my head and heartache, and I started to notice the things around me. It was beautiful, fresh, and amazing.

    Yes, there is only one way, Unitary Perception.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Thank you so much, such a nice message to receive. Unitary perception, such beauty to be found there. Thank you for stopping in and reading and for taking the time to say offer such kind words:)


  11. Pingback: VM Voices: This is Noah, he has autism - Vancouver Mom

  12. Pingback: Autism Awareness Day around the World, a personal story

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