A Little More

Dead Mesquite Tree - Mesquite Dunes - Death Valley, CA - Infrared Black & White

Life’s misconception

Death creeps in to our soul taking hold in the shadows of our night, darkness

A thirsty and unannounced fog that rolls over us in toxic devour, swallowed

Such delusion.

Death is;

Silently announced at birth with our arrival

We all know yet none of us dare utter “welcome child, live well, die better”

Good form of the socially polished adorn birth with silver and plaster smiles

Never to speak of such discomforts such as limited time

After all if we speak of death we may invite it closer

Lean in. Listen. Hear. Shout. Understand.

You will depart

Death is the last name we all share

Welcome my brothers and sisters

Death is the commonality of our family tree

Death is not a secret or a toxin of devout proportions, nor kept in the shadows of our night

It does not search out in thirst or darkness, mine or yours

Death is a gift of knowing that we all seem to ignore

Simply telling us

Live well and love a little more

~Alisa Hutton





Darkness that swallows in whole

Close your eyes, it is the only reprieve from the black you know

Feel its debilitating choke as it pins you down by the chest in suffocating hold

As its fingers slowly climb your neck removing hopeful breath from your heart and throat

Don’t run

Don’t hide

Lean is close it speaks a tale of your flat lining worth

It knows your vulnerabilities and bullet holes still bleeding from your past

Let it comfortably devour the shadows that the darkness will always cast

Lay down with your beast and whisper in its ear

Go fuck yourself

You are nothing to fear

~Alisa Hutton



The moon tonight

So delicately outlined

Perfection in its dark and light

Shadows in between intuitively play

You must have been perched on the moon this evening

There is no other reason that I can logically see

For such incredible beauty

Shining down on me

~Alisa Hutton

That Day

That Day

That day

Her glass castle shattered in to a thousand pieces

A white flag and a deep exhale the only signs of life deposited on her shore

Today, sweet textures of love and story paving her road

All the broken pieces of glass forming her humble mosaic of whole

The past, unnecessary conceptual overlay that dampens a genuine soul

If you seek her, present is where you will find her spirit in solid hold

Her heart open, held in tender and worn hands

On a seldom rainy day in quiet blink she remembers a once diluted way

And that precious moment it all went astray

All the colors that arced her darkness and light

The silhouettes and shadows that broke her one unannounced night

You don’t need to confirm with her the strength you see in her dark eyes

For it was in the clarity of her weakness when she realized how deeply she was cut and bleeding

That Day

She came to understand it was the simplicity of her own honor and love she was truly needing

~Alisa Hutton

My Shadow


Day after day it came

I grieved

I asked for it to stop

I prayed, no begged, please

Day after day it came

I grieved

I asked if not for it to stop then just a break

I prayed, no begged, please

I grieved

One tired day

I could not pray, I could not beg

I sat in my shadow, just me in my darkness

With my grief that wouldn’t go away

Without notice

Without command

Without direction

Grief gently floated away

My whole heart, the only thing that came to visit me today

~Alisa Hutton