Evening Wish

Man collecting the stars and putting them in a wheelbarrow.

Laying on my back I looked up for a moment

If only I could be

That star so far away in the distant sky

Peacefully shining on its own and quietly offering light

Enjoying the safety of a simple existence in the middle of the night

~Alisa Hutton




Go for a walk

I’ll stay here and keep things warm

Don’t go too fast, don’t go too slow

Look only during the day and sleep at night

Ignore that advice, I am bent and wrong, not always right

At 3AM the moon whispered in my ear

Even in darkness, cold and fear

While slippery and elusive, always near

It will move and shift, jump and hide

Swirl and fall, drip and slide

Listen to your heart, your instincts will speak

Possibly make your knees wobbly and weak

Take a walk and I promise you’ll find it in less than a mile

Linger for a bit, keep your senses informed, don’t be affraid to cry or smile

Remember that tree?  That one that grows down the block?

Touch its bark, inspect it well, even give it a knock

I have found it there many a time

Fluffy clouds and evening stars; places that may help you on your find

If you can fathom; puddles on rainy days and even dusty places in your mind

Look around and lift that nose high in the air

Take a big whiff

If anyone is looking, don’t give it any care

It might be in the wind or under your feet

You might find it while you are thinking about last week

All I know is that it is always around and together I think we might find a whole bunch

While you are out on your walk looking for yours here and there

I will take 26 letters and mix them all up

Deposit them in my mind and move them around

Perhaps say it out loud and see how they sound

I will shake it up and let it pour

When you arrive back home and through the door

You and I  will have that much more, we will sit and laugh and drink it up

Don’t listen to people if they tell you you’re wrong

Walk on your hands and look upside down for it if you must

You will always find it, you just need to trust

I can tell you in 26 letters that I just shook up

It may feel lost but you’ll find if you persist

Magic really does exist

~Alisa Hutton

Love That is Kept


The simplicity of sharing, connection

We care for another, our relationship, me to you and you to I

In raw essence a desire to love and be loved

Somewhere and somehow comes the trickle of rigid thoughts


We are being taught

We are being judged

Sized and sorted for worth

Holding on to our inner most thoughts and feelings

Fear the open and free

Interpreted intent other than love for one another

Simplicity strays losing its way

Lost in care, lost in compassion, lost in kindness

Blinded by our own internal sight of protective rules and historical hurt

Human art covered for no other soul to appreciate or adore in its naked and true form

To be loved

Unique color and fine stroke


In quiet breathe one comes to understand that love not accepted, seen or understood is the materialized burden another is carrying on their back

Only the heaviness is carried by all of us

For love not given is love not accepted, the two must dance in mutual fall

It is the complexity of our unique human art

The human paradox

In quiet you will find  the boundless love you have to give and a purity of love you need to burst in full color

The inhale and exhale of equal importance to a genuine life

Complimentary existence for happiness

You will learn that love unlived, unsaid and unshared is the root of human rot

You will learn this particular shade is the only color shared on my canvas and yours

The same fears and vulnerabilities

Yet here we sit holding on to our love as if it is some how wrong to give

Sad as I do believe

Love that is kept

Is never felt at all

~Alisa Hutton