While You Wait


Perhaps there is value and patience learned in showing up for a train that is delayed

Trusting in know it is slowly finding its way

A passenger must question with the same trust and know

When we show up and wait for a train who has clearly derailed

Who only knows departure, never an arrival

Who jumps the tracks by nature and design

As you sit by the rails, stationed in your wait

Think about the train you wish to get on

Is it is simply running late


Will it dangerously arrive

Derailing once more

Taking you out while you wait

In natural stride

~Alisa Hutton

Love That is Kept


The simplicity of sharing, connection

We care for another, our relationship, me to you and you to I

In raw essence a desire to love and be loved

Somewhere and somehow comes the trickle of rigid thoughts


We are being taught

We are being judged

Sized and sorted for worth

Holding on to our inner most thoughts and feelings

Fear the open and free

Interpreted intent other than love for one another

Simplicity strays losing its way

Lost in care, lost in compassion, lost in kindness

Blinded by our own internal sight of protective rules and historical hurt

Human art covered for no other soul to appreciate or adore in its naked and true form

To be loved

Unique color and fine stroke


In quiet breathe one comes to understand that love not accepted, seen or understood is the materialized burden another is carrying on their back

Only the heaviness is carried by all of us

For love not given is love not accepted, the two must dance in mutual fall

It is the complexity of our unique human art

The human paradox

In quiet you will find  the boundless love you have to give and a purity of love you need to burst in full color

The inhale and exhale of equal importance to a genuine life

Complimentary existence for happiness

You will learn that love unlived, unsaid and unshared is the root of human rot

You will learn this particular shade is the only color shared on my canvas and yours

The same fears and vulnerabilities

Yet here we sit holding on to our love as if it is some how wrong to give

Sad as I do believe

Love that is kept

Is never felt at all

~Alisa Hutton

The Space Between


Have you ever noticed the space between the wick and the flame?

Sat in your quiet breath and observed the void between the two

Integral space needed to keep purposed light

An oddly required polarity to serve self and the other with unspoken respect

The wick holding its unique contribution of longevity to care for the flame

The flame holding its unique contribution of longevity to care for the wick

In that care and purpose

A respected space allowing both to fulfill their nature

Have you ever noticed the space between the wick and the flame?

~Alisa Hutton

Could It Be


She softly strokes humility because her broken soul jarred her awake one night

Cracks spilling over with authentic human, ruining the perfect white rug

Now breathing values where her once damp intentions filled her lungs with the murky waters of attainment

Her hands warming others with compassion and forgiveness because late one evening resentment and anger swallowed her whole

Walking with love and kindness, the opposite was once her truth

They dare not question what they see in her eyes

The familiarity an echo of their uncomfortable past

Beneath all of our good a different nature once filled our shoes

One the cherished child

The other our neglected disappointment

Gentle is how we choose to walk as our hearts didn’t always takes steps of such divine purpose

Our greatest capacity and strengths founded on our harshest days

File it away and don’t speak of it out loud

Secrets will keep us all safe

Or could it be?

All of us have our light

With thanks to our dark shadow

Not the other way

~Alisa Hutton

Pass The Salt


Poetic confetti tossed with brazen flare

Words pouring with the clarity of a smooth, Russian vodka

Ignore the bite, something so fine can do no harm

Watch my eyes

They will tell you everything you do not hear

Listen to my words

You will see nothing at all

Touch my lips

I share them with many

Reach for my heart so you can feel me pull yours out

Sorry…you left your light on and I tripped on your soul

I was looking for mine while lost in my dark

I thought you were special

My shiny new thing

Pass the salt

~Alisa Hutton