
Untitled design (35)

Peeling glances, thick with the deep churn of her buried unspoken

The sharp will notice, the simple will be her safety but so easily forgotten 

She will tell you ,her words must be followed

You should nod your head and always listen but take note of her eyes, for that is the path she hasn’t spoken

She will beautifully float with the most feminine poise and grace 

Then seemingly without notice she will leave you covered with ice in her politely distant way

She is full of dimension and rivers that run deep to places we would all be so fortunate to see

Almost untouchable, she will inevitably make you travel the long road to her tender heart

The greatest fortune of your life?

She only falls in love with the uniquely attentive and charmingly sharp

Don’t kid yourself, it is only by her choosing and when her time is right

By Alisa Hutton

Tell Me

Untitled design (10)

When did scarcity roll over you, wilting you timid and fearful?

What darkened childhood tale shadowed your lightness and spirit, giving away your bold?

Who changed you so short that your worth became socially outsourced to the new and unknown?

When the sun rises it reminds us with furious beauty that moments are spectacular. Well thought plans, penned goals and shiny thoughts trivial pursuits of those who will never grow.

The rain that drenched you with indignation, coming unannounced on a summer day? The universes way of tapping you awake to all you never will control.

What happened between the first moments your eyes opened to the universe to where you stand today? Unable to muster the courage to stutter the words your heart desires, I miss you, I love you, please don’t go.

Our heart and our soul intuitively tells us when we are home.

An unspoken settled place is our being, a warmth, a person who undoubtedly many lifetimes we have known.

Tell me, when did scarcity roll over you?

Leaving you all alone.

~Alisa Hutton

Love Held

love held

Delivered in gesture

Kind words wrapped in poetic dance

The melt in your single glance

How your genuine smile brightens my way

Laughter and timelessness, the romanticism of our simple summer day

A soft touch when my heart called for nurture and care

Pressed memories of love between pages that never go away

Eyes that see magic, captured moments and all the precious details of life

An extended hand lifting me up the times I needed it the most

The judge of none, the ask of neither, the lover of one

A chosen soul that captured what is my purest form and honors it with continued dignity and grace

In my heart, forever

A love held for you in a special place

~Alisa Hutton




Release the knotted, dysmorphic ties to ego’s past

Those stories were written by another so long ago

Let them tend to their dark seeds, they were never ours to sow

Experience and light

This is how true love is grown

Hold your values in open hands

Extend the only thing you will ever own

Your heart


Your intuition knows

~Alisa Hutton




She will pull you effortlessly across a room with her quiet glance

Gently dropping you with her soft spoken verse

Delicate fingers map your edges, craving anticipation

The sacred feminine

Wet dexterous intellect

Seductively snapping the bones of egotistical ill spirit

Unmistakable audacious darkness

Keeping those faint of substance at arm’s length

Free of contamination, writhe with experience

Dancing through her night whilst dreaming her prose

Stretched out like a lioness during her wake

The sacred feminine



~ Alisa Hutton



Welcome Her Home


Sitting across from her at our table

The small kerosene lamp dancing light off her hands, inviting caress and hold

I dreamed of us once

Anticipation of a destined familiarity before reality pressed its flowers in our story book

Here we were again, this time in shared space and breath

Eyes open, hearts sitting in rise

Was my dream the reality I needed to feel in order enable vision?

Or was my vision what I needed in order to enable my feelings?

Was the quiet of my night where my heart was found?

How did she know to look, was it ever her choice not to?

Her eyes in that one moment

Like the universe throwing an anchor out of my boat in wake

Causing pause, an altering drag in time

Ushering away all that was meant to pass in gentle flow

Leaving only the space we share and the stars that guide us home

The universe collided without our direction

The universe collided without our ask

The universe speaking only to say

Look in her eyes and welcome her home

~Alisa Hutton

Poetry Undressed

poetry undressed


Story undressed

Naked and vulnerable

Liquor without mix

Can you feel the burn?

Fear biting your heels

Run fast in to the darkness

You won’t get out


Blindly swirling in to


Pouring pain

Rape Race Sexuality Religion

Grotesque Dark Sweaty Promise

Power Pride Commitment Hope


No clothing to hide behind

Poetry undressed

~Alisa Hutton

When She Goes Silent

When she goes silent

When she goes silent, you need to listen

Find her in a dusted corner

Blinds drawn

A room for one

Black and white with broken wings

Her words her mind, unspoken her heart

Darkness, struggle and ferocity will shake you in prose

Inner depths echo only in her eyes


She screams to be heard, never held

Find her heart and warm it carefully

When she goes silent, you need to listen

~Alisa Hutton

Simply Beautiful


Simply beautiful

She walked an edge of life naked to the masses

A quiet smile, a constant flicker of depth in her eyes

Little spoken and much observed

Soft warmth of a gentle breeze with the sun on her back

The pride of life experienced, sprinkled with struggles wrapped in gratitude

A heart filled with love, a mind full of mazes

As simple as a child, as complicated as she wishes

Dimensions, doors and secret places that lead to the complexities of a genuine soul

Simply beautiful

~Alisa Hutton





My heart was reminded of love this morning, perspective

Little grains of hurt scattered on an open shore

Hurt is nothing more than a single particle of sand, insignificant to the whole

Standing back with a broadened lens we can see the ocean, open sky and so much more

Love always has perspective and courage

If it doesn’t

Maybe it is just another grain on your shore

~Alisa Hutton