Love Held

love held

Delivered in gesture

Kind words wrapped in poetic dance

The melt in your single glance

How your genuine smile brightens my way

Laughter and timelessness, the romanticism of our simple summer day

A soft touch when my heart called for nurture and care

Pressed memories of love between pages that never go away

Eyes that see magic, captured moments and all the precious details of life

An extended hand lifting me up the times I needed it the most

The judge of none, the ask of neither, the lover of one

A chosen soul that captured what is my purest form and honors it with continued dignity and grace

In my heart, forever

A love held for you in a special place

~Alisa Hutton




She will pull you effortlessly across a room with her quiet glance

Gently dropping you with her soft spoken verse

Delicate fingers map your edges, craving anticipation

The sacred feminine

Wet dexterous intellect

Seductively snapping the bones of egotistical ill spirit

Unmistakable audacious darkness

Keeping those faint of substance at arm’s length

Free of contamination, writhe with experience

Dancing through her night whilst dreaming her prose

Stretched out like a lioness during her wake

The sacred feminine



~ Alisa Hutton



Welcome Her Home


Sitting across from her at our table

The small kerosene lamp dancing light off her hands, inviting caress and hold

I dreamed of us once

Anticipation of a destined familiarity before reality pressed its flowers in our story book

Here we were again, this time in shared space and breath

Eyes open, hearts sitting in rise

Was my dream the reality I needed to feel in order enable vision?

Or was my vision what I needed in order to enable my feelings?

Was the quiet of my night where my heart was found?

How did she know to look, was it ever her choice not to?

Her eyes in that one moment

Like the universe throwing an anchor out of my boat in wake

Causing pause, an altering drag in time

Ushering away all that was meant to pass in gentle flow

Leaving only the space we share and the stars that guide us home

The universe collided without our direction

The universe collided without our ask

The universe speaking only to say

Look in her eyes and welcome her home

~Alisa Hutton

Tethered Souls


Consumed by the complexities of our days the struggle to connect increasingly burdened

Souls tethered by connection seemingly pulled apart by the unimportant matters of life

We walk silently in the forest seeking ground to bind our individual notes

I feel the anger rise in me as I allow myself to see those who have stepped in ill faith leaving intended holes

Her eyes speak

Swallowed by the same monsters simply wearing different clothes

Love and fire throw us to the ground, Winter Solstice reminding us of growth

Today our animals feed

Feasting in passion with the earth on our backs, bodies pressed our sweat intermingled in wet flow

The roar of our raw nature the only peace we need to know

We met in the forest

We are tethered souls

~Alisa Hutton

Simply Beautiful


Simply beautiful

She walked an edge of life naked to the masses

A quiet smile, a constant flicker of depth in her eyes

Little spoken and much observed

Soft warmth of a gentle breeze with the sun on her back

The pride of life experienced, sprinkled with struggles wrapped in gratitude

A heart filled with love, a mind full of mazes

As simple as a child, as complicated as she wishes

Dimensions, doors and secret places that lead to the complexities of a genuine soul

Simply beautiful

~Alisa Hutton



I Dreamt About You Last Night

last night

I dreamt about you last night

We sat across from one another at a wooden picnic table,

romantically weathered with perfect patina

The spring sunshine warming our backs

Surrounded by gardens written in an old English countryside

My mind creating a space just for you

I watched as your eyes danced with excitement,

telling me about your books and writing

Your eyes reminded me of the first time we met.

Sitting across the table,

locked with interest I couldn’t look away

Absorbing with curiosity,

our story had never ended

A comfort waved over me as we were sitting in your perfect place

In a romantic ideal, magical

It wasn’t an ideal or magical for us though because we knew in our hearts it does exist

It was just us

No limit on time

No boundary of any sort

It felt so close, every sense absorbed each moment

Simplistic and beautiful

We held hands and talked

I played with the ring on your finger as you spoke,

the same ring I noticed the first time we met

No end in engagement

No wavering or question

Fluid warmth

We gently kissed

My eyes opened

My lips still pressed from what seemed so real

I dreamt about you last night

I dusted off the story we had started to write,

I tucked this in between the pages

Even if it was only a dream I had about you last night

~Alisa Hutton

The Break of Dawn


I walked through the darkness with the faint whispers of her voice chasing me, turning me with panicked blind direction.

Sharp branches brushing against my limbs as a reminder of the isolation

I could feel my heart becoming weary of desolation

As the darkness broke a misty saddened fog set upon me

The heavy damp of the air gently danced on my lips, touches of a weighted nothing

The sound of her faint breathing romantically guiding me closer

A glimmer of what I felt in my soul, a deep passionate pull in a direction of vast open being

Endless valleys of aromatic flowers

A vision of a deep, magnificent sea that dances with the moon and laughs with the stars

A world of endless possibility filled with the sweetness of life

As fatigue and sadness collapse my body helplessly to the ground emptiness pours in to my soul

I raise my head one last time to see the break of dawn

Before me a valley of beautiful flowers

The sun ripples on the glistening waves in the distance

Then with the slightest touch of a hand on my shoulder, I know she who I was looking for was with me all along, she gently whispers in my ear….

~Alisa Hutton


Love Her

love her

Love her

Love her because her mind excites you

Ask her questions

Love her because she makes you see colors with more brilliance

Shine brightly for her

Love her eyes and the depth they carry

Speak to her with them

Love her because you can’t help but watch her from across a crowded room

Never stop looking just because she isn’t

Love her because there is nobody you would rather sit in silence with

Feel her heart in that silence

Love her because her laugh is contagious

Make her smile as often as you can

Love her because her emotions run deep like the tides

Be there no matter how high or low those tides are

Love her when she is sick and love her when she is well

Bring her warm soup and fresh cut flowers

Love her because her heart is pure

Hold that heart with honor and delicacy because it is special

Love her words

Write her poetry and leave her love notes

Love her because her soul is kind

Speak to her with warmth and sincerity

If you truly love her, you must love her well

She is love, she deserves nothing less

If you can not love her this way,

let someone who can

Love her.

~Alisa Hutton

Her Bed

in bed

Laying in her bed

Rising from her lioness slumber

She stretches her long body with a relaxed caution

Sounds of today dancing through the window

The delicate scent of a fresh spring morning penetrating her soul, deeply inhaling her new day

Song birds reminding her of opportunity and innocence

Yesterday washed away

Quiet in her heart

Crisp white cotton sheets adorn her perfectly reckless body

Speaking no words she looks over to me

Behind her thoughtful gaze

A lifetime of stories that wrap around me with curiosity

Sitting with locked eyes

No space between us

I sit in this moment as it rushes though my being

I look in her eyes and know my heart has spoken

Laying in her bed

~Alisa Hutton



Beneath the Magnolia Tree

2016-03-31 19.28.43.jpgBeneath the Magnolia tree

She would sit on her perfectly weathered bench

Her eyes deeply off in to the distance buried a maze of thoughts

A canopy of cascading white

Protecting her as if it was her own personal heaven

The sun dripping through the branches

The sweet fragrance filling the holes winter had left in her heart

I watched from afar

Wondering if she ever welcomed anyone in

Would I be invited

Her dark brown eyes pulled away from her gaze and rested on me for a brief moment

Almost as though she had heard my silent curiosity

She smiled

And I fell in love

Beneath the Magnolia tree

~Alisa Hutton